By Alex Wan and John Tseng, performed by Alex Wan, guitar and Ted Wan, voice

Alex Wan's Group live at Kulak's Woodshed in Hollywood, California on Sept 23, 2015. This is one of Alex Wan's original compositions and arrangements. Electronic version from CD: "Cultural Fusion". Orchestral/Big Band Versions from recent CD: "Alex Wan's Dream Orchestra"

Why: "Boston is definitely my home where I composed this song with John Tsang who contributed to writing the lyrics in 1977. This song is my first original composition which kicked off my career as a composer.  People who were with me know exactly how I felt during this period of my life. So it was really a song for our community in Boston with real people who were involved in the music and lyrics! " - Alex Wan

Migration History: Born in Hong Kong, Alex Wan and his brother Ted migrated with their mom and younger sister to San Francisco in 1968 as teenagers, then to Boston the summer of 1969, and were joined by their brother John in 1977. All three brothers, as well as two sisters who stayed in Hong Kong, continued their family's musical legacy.

Alex Wan is a guitarist, bassist, composer/arranger and Jazz, R&R musician.

Ted Wan is a singer, guitarist and Jazz and R&R musician.

John Wan is a percussionist, who, along with his wife Irene, baritone opera singer, are popular performers of Cantonese Opera Music in Boston and Quincy for the past 3 decades. Their two sisters did not migrate to the U.S. but stayed their whole lives in Hong Kong: actress Shuk Chai Wan and Suk Yen Wan, Cantonese opera singer.

The Wan siblings represent the third of four generations of musicians. Their grandfather Wan Kum Hing was a Cantonese opera musician in Hong Kong. Their father Wan Che Chung was a world-renowned violinist who was the first international touring musician to play Chinese music on the Western violin in the 1920's, and whose playing ended daily evening broadcasts on Hong Kong radio in the 1940's through the 1970's. Alex's son Matthew Wan is a classically-trained trombonist with a doctorate from Boston University who has performed and taught in the US and worldwide. Ted's daughter Melody Wan, a violinist with a masters degree from Lesley University, is a licensed music therapist practicing in Honolulu, Hawaii.
